Friday, January 15, 2010

As if Night Sweats Weren't Enough Reason for Insomnia

Day 7 ***

I titled this post If Night Sweats Weren't Enough Reason for Insomnia because lack of sleep has been a running theme in my life for a few months now. In fact, for those of you who don't personally know me, I have used those many sleepless nights to launch a new business and write a book.

Now I find myself suffering a different form of insomnia. For the past few nights I have tossed and turned unable to quiet down my brain and the images of future tree themes. I keep a bed side journal for my late night bursts of creativity. I realize that there is a lot more work involved than meets the eye as not only do I need to decide on a theme, but the ability to pull it off for little money. I have already put some of my closest girlfriends on alert for future "have glue gun, will travel" parties. Luckily, I have some amazing and supportive girlfriends who would do anything to come to my rescue. OK...maybe that's a little dramatic. It's more like they would show up for wine and an excuse to get out of their own houses.

Today's mission is to locate just a few more items for the Mardi Gras theme so I can post the photo by the end of the weekend. I have already conceived some interesting ways to decorate the tree over the next few months so I will also be looking for those supplies as well. Anyone up for making a garland of peeps and jelly beans? I have WINE!!!!

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