Monday, March 1, 2010

Where Did the Time Go???

As I sit looking out the window this morning I am delighting in the return of all the Robins. Here it is the first day of March and it's obvious that Spring is about to wake from its slumber. Well, today anyway...tomorrow there is snow in the forecast for Atlanta. For now however, it is a beautiful sunny morning and I am anticipating all the beauty that will soon mark one of my favorite seasons.

I spent most of my life in Florida where we had 3 seasons. Hot, Hotter and Hottest. I kept my seasons in a box in the attic. I anxiously circled the dates on the calendar and marked the change of seasons with some faux representation since Mother Nature rarely provided the color changes I was longing for. I would beg my husband for the opportunity to move up North and his response was always, what part of Jacksonville would you like to move to. I wasn't able to convince him, but thankfully his job was and we happily settled in to the suburbs just north of the city of Atlanta where we now get to experience all the seasons without the harshness of some areas. It's the perfect amount of each.

It's time to say goodbye to February and to winter. It's also time to say goodbye to the Valentine's Tree. I say goodbye with a heavy heart as I have enjoyed it very much. But just like the seasons, each change brings something new to admire. Mother Nature goes to great lengths to provide the changing palette and I for one hope that I never become too busy, too cynical, too removed to take the opportunity to delight in each of them and whisper a heartfelt thank you.

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